季莉莉 研究员、博士生导师 研究领域 药物性(有毒中药)肝损伤及其解毒、中药及其活性成分通过靶向调控血管新生在肿瘤、血管新生性视网膜病、伤口愈合等疾病中的应用及其机理。 教育背景 1994.09-1999.07 中国药科大学 理学学士 1999.09-2004.07 中国药科大学 理学博士 中科院上海生化细胞研究所 工作经历 2004.08-2004.12 中科院上海有机化学研究所 助理研究员 2005.01-2005.08 美国普度(Purdue)大学 访问学者 2005.12-2008.01 上海中医药大学中药研究所 助理研究员 2008.01-2010.12 上海中医药大学中药研究所 副研究员 2011.01 - 今 上海中医药大学中药研究所 研究员 个人荣誉 国家优秀青年基金获得者,教育部新世纪人才,曙光学者,上海市科技启明星,上海市卫计委优青 研究成果 获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果一等奖1项;先后承担包括国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,科技部十二五“重大新药创制”项目等国家和省部级课题10余项;发表科研论文90余篇,其中SCI收录论文60余篇,论文总影响因子达154.6;申请发明专利6项,获授权发明专利2项。 近期主要发表论文 1. Ji LL*, Sheng YC, Zheng ZY, Shi L, Wang ZT*. The involvement of p62-Keap1-Nrf2 antioxidant signaling pathway and JNK in the protection of natural flavonoid quercetin against hepatotoxicity. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 2015, 85: 12-23. 2. Yu ZY, Lu B, Sheng YC, Zhou LY, Ji LL*, Wang ZT. Andrographolide ameliorates diabetic retinopathy by inhibiting retinal angiogenesis and inflammation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subject 2015, 1850: 824-831. 3. Ji LL*, Zheng ZY, Shi L, Huang YJ, Lu B, Wang ZT*. Andrographolide decreased VEGFD expression in hepatoma cancer cells by inducing ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated cFos protein degradation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subject 2015, 1850: 750-758. 4. Gong CY, Yu ZY, Lu B, Yang L, Sheng YC, Fan YM, Ji LL*, Wang ZT. Ethanol extract of Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl ameliorates diabetic retinopathy and its mechanism. Vascular Pharmacology 2014, 62: 134-142. 5. Ji LL*, Ma YB, Wang ZY, Cai ZX, Pang C, Wang ZT. Quercetin prevents pyrrolizidine alkaloid clivorine-induced liver injury in mice by elevating body defense capacity. PLOS one 2014, 9 (6): e98970. 6. Ji LL*, Jiang P, Lu B, Sheng YC, Wang X, Wang ZT*. Chlorogenic acid, a dietary polyphenol, protects acetaminophen-induced liver injury and its mechanism. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2013, 24(11):1911-1919. 7. Shen KK, Ji LL*, Gong CY, Ma YB, Yang L, Fan Y, Hou MQ, Wang ZT*. Notoginsenoside Ft1 promotes angiogenesis via HIF-1a mediated VEGF secretion and the regulation of PI3K/AKT and Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathways. Biochemical Pharmacology 2012, 84(6): 784-792. 8. Liang QN, Sheng YC, Jiang P, Ji LL*, Xia YY, Min Y, Wang ZT*. The difference of glutathione antioxidant system in newly weaned and young mice liver and its involvement in isoline-induced hepatotoxicity. Archives of Toxicology 2011, 85(10):1267-79. 9. Ji LL*, Shen KK, Jiang P, Morahan G, Wang ZT*. Critical Roles of Cellular Glutathione Homeostasis and JNK Activation in Andrographolide-Mediated Apoptotic Cell Death in Human Hepatoma Cells. Molecular Carcinogenesis 2011, 50 (8): 580-591. 10. Liang QN, Sheng YC, Jiang P, Ji LL*, Xia YY, Min Y, Wang ZT*. The gender-dependent difference of liver GSH antioxidant system in mice and its influence on isoline-induced liver injury. Toxicology 2011, 280(1-2): 61-69. |