1) Gao R, Yue B, Lv C, Geng X, Yu Z, Wang H, Zhang B, Ai F, Wang Z, Liu D, Wang Z*, Chen K*, Dou W*. Targeted inhibition of Gus-expressing Enterococcus faecalis to promote intestinal stem cell and epithelial renovation contributes to the relief of irinotecan chemotoxicity by dehydrodiisoeugenol. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. (Accepted)
2) Yu Z, Gao R, Lv C, Geng X, Ren Y, Zhang J, Ren J, Wang H, Ai F, Wang Z, Zhan B, Liu D, Yue B*, Wang Z*, Dou W*. Notoginsenoside R1 promotes Lgr5+ stem cell and epithelium renovation in colitis mice via activating Wnt/β-Catenin signaling. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2024 Jul;45(7):1451-1465.
3) Gao R, Yu Z, Lv C, Geng X, Ren Y, Ren J, Wang H, Ai F, Zhang B, Yue B*, Wang Z*, Dou W*. Medicinal and edible plant Allium macrostemon Bunge for the treatment of testosterone-induced androgenetic alopecia in mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2023 Oct 28;315:116657.
4) Yue B, Gao R, Lv C, Yu Z, Wang H, Geng X, Wang Z*, Dou W*. Berberine improves irinotecan-induced intestinal mucositis without impairing the anti-colorectal cancer efficacy of irinotecan by inhibiting bacterial β-glucuronidase. Front Pharmacol. 2021, Nov. 11: 774560.
5) Yue B, Gao R, Wang Z*, Dou W*. Microbiota-Host-Irinotecan Axis: A New Insight Toward Irinotecan Chemotherapy. Front Cell Infect Mi. 2021, Oct. 11: 710945.
6) Ren Y, Lv C, Zhang J, Zhang B, Yue B, Luo X, Yu Z, Wang H, Ren J, Wang Z*, Dou W*. Alantolactone exhibits antiproliferative and apoptosis-promoting properties in colon cancer model via activation of the MAPK-JNK/c-Jun signaling pathway. Mol Cell Biochem. 2021 Dec, 476 (12):4387-4403.
7) Ren J, Yue B, Wang H, Zhang B, Luo X, Yu Z, Zhang J, Ren Y, Mani S, Wang Z*, Dou W*. Acacetin ameliorates experimental colitis in mice via inhibiting macrophage inflammatory response and regulating the composition of gut microbiota. Front Physiol. 2021 Jan 18;11:577237.
8) Luo X, Yu Z, Yue B, Ren J, Zhang J, Mani S, Wang Z*, Dou W*. Obacunone reduces inflammatory signaling and tumor occurrence in mice with chronic inflammation-induced colorectal cancer. Pharm Biol. 2020, Dec, 58(1): 886-897.
9) Yu Z, Yue B, Ding L, Luo X, Ren Y, Zhang J, Mani S, Wang Z*, Dou W*. Activation of PXR by Alpinetin Contributes to Abrogate Chemically Induced Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Front Pharmacol. 2020 Apr 21;11:474.
10) Luo X, Yue B, Yu Z, Ren Y, Zhang J, Ren J, Wang Z*, Dou W*. Obacunone Protects Against UC in Mice by Modulating Gut Microbiota, Attenuating TLR4/NF-κB Signaling Cascades, and Improving Disrupted Epithelial Barriers. Front Microbiol. 2020 Mar 31;11:497.
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